So, I haven't been around in a while and I'm sorry for that, damn, since may! I can't believe I haven't felt the need to vent to millions of strangers in that long? Weird! Anywho, here i am...
Total chaos. Back i nschool losing my mind, serious family drama which is actually serious and not that day time bullshit you see on DAYS of OUR LIVeS. can't believe those are dying off by the way. I mean, how can the soap opera industry crumble? that's just crazy?!?! Now I know the economy is dead.
Anyway... Right, so school, family, home is also a little crazy, roommate with a broken heart, never a good thing. I know she'll pull throught this and onlt stand twice as tall after but we're in the storm now. On the plus side my love life and my dog are health and growing. I'm happy even though I'm crazy.
The main problem is that I can't seem to get it together to take care of my own health. Which is ridiculous. I mean, who wants to be i this much pain? I don't and yet i can't seem to get off my ass or off my feet and make it all better. Yoga would make all the difference, but the nagain, why am i surprised that I can't make time to go to a class that's an hour long, that takes a half hour to an hour to get to and then again to come home, which normally leads to a shower as well. That's an extra two to three hours a day. Add in all my classes, full days work on sunday ( yeah, i know, i only work one day, but i would take more shifts if they were available and its still a lot to deal with) Antoher hour or three to take care of the dog every single day! And then finding time to shoot, print, edit, email everyone waiting for images i have promised them for a year or so now, sleep, eat, and still have time to feel like a human (or a young woman living in NYC with a loving boyfriend enjoying her life).
I just feel like there is not enough time in the world and i knwo i'm not alone in this so why odn't i just fiucking go to yoga already!?!?!!?
Well, I am super tired, have class in the morning and still have some serious stomach issues to deal with so I'm off to the bathroom, then brush the teeth, then bed! I don't even have time to edit the crappy speeling in this post right now. Hoep to be back and venting or babbling or whatever soon....
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