Monday, November 24, 2014

Okay, I'm back and still wanting a cigarette.  My face hurts less, so that's nice and my cramps are pretty much gone but the nic-fit thing is obnoxious.  I had one and a half already today and all I want is one more but isn't it always one more?  Why can't smoking just be good for you or at least not sooo unbelievably dangerous.  Oh shit, I didn't take Tuesday out today.  Bad Mommy!!!  We were supposed to go for a walk to make up for the laziness of yesterday.  Well, I guess we could still go and that would distract me for another ten minutes or so.  And then shower.  And then something else, anything to keep me from trying to get another smoke in.  That's why I want to go to the bar.  I want to drink and play pool and smoke cigarettes.  Sounds so easy and pleasant, doesn't it?  Rar!
I'm not enjoying this today.  I feel more of myself before and less of a non-smoker today.  I don't even have anything else to write about other than, I want a cigarette, I want a cigarette, I want a cigarette... etc etc.
God DAmn It!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's been awhile. Waiting for your next post.
