Thursday, April 9, 2015

Crying for nothing...

My back hurts and my feet are cold and I'm crying about nothing and I'm upset with myself for not doing anything and it's only 10:43 am.  I'm watching things on TV I don't even like and caring about what happens.  I should not care what happens on any TV show, ever.
So, as usual the gigantic "To Do" list hangs over my head along with the "Things We Need" list that costs money I don't have and my back is fucked up and my throat hurts and I apparently just want to complain right now...
I need to get up off this chair and not sit all day staring at screens.  I'm not getting paid to do so.  Why am I putting my self through this if I don't even have to.  I could be at a museum, or gardening, or even just sitting outside.  I need to get it together.  At least make a list of this shit that needs to happen today and then figure out what's left.

15-20 minutes later...

Rar! And I'm eating chocolate.  Because.
This fucking roller coaster is retarded.  I can't control what my body and mind are feeling.  Last night I apologized so many times to my husband for being a snappy bitch.  I was so short and aggressive.

About 2 hours later....

I don't know if that nap helped or not, but now I would really like to accomplish something.
well, not what I was hoping for but here's my post anyway.

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