Sunday, February 20, 2011

What was deleted from "Damn This Laptop", an earlier post

I'm getting better, I think

There's a chance I'm getting my shit together which would be nice, considering how long I've been feeling messy.  I'm still lonely sometimes and still angry too, but it's okay.  I don't want anyone to interfere with my time and space and I don't want to have to rely on anyone or anything.  I am an independent woman and I can get through all of this just fine.  It is scary sometimes but seriously, wouldn't I rather not deal with someone else's shit while trying to take care of my own?

I figure out how to get back what I was working on when it disappears sometimes for no reason.  If you go to edit your posts, you can find anything you've done so far and post it from there.  So, I thought I'd put this up, since it would have been up weeks ago.

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