Friday, January 21, 2011

Shedding It All Off

I've decided to shed all that has been this past year, well, I guess I threw in the two years before that too.  Justin's gone, Eric's gone, and He's gone.  (Sorry, I don't mean God when I say "He", I just can't handle his name right now and don't feel like sharing that much.  We were never really together and he's not a big fan of attention.)  So, my point being, I have let it all go.  I've got to get it all out and all away from me cause it's been too much and I can't take it anymore.  I don't have to take it anymore.

I'm just in a new place, it's a new year and I am going to be 29 years old and I need to let the past be the past and move on and change and grow and... well, be myself more so than I ever have before.  I'm excited to meet myself.  She seems cool, I think I'll like her.  I think she's strong and interesting and attractive and smart and this should be fun.

I needed to shed this all.  I need to move forward and I needed drive and excitement to come back to me. I've been stuck and harping over things as usual.  It's something I do.  Well, now, I'm gonna try not to be her anymore.  I shaved it all off and left it on the floor.  If they're gonna make me feel like I was left there then that's where I'll leave them.  On the floor to sweep up and throw away!  That's all I got.  There's more going on but the words aren't there yet.  A lot of it is still with out words, no description, just a feeling and the feeling is good.  I think I'm gonna be okay.

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